Grotta di Sant Emiliano

Porto Badisco - Otranto

The Grotta di Sant Emiliano is located at the foot of the tower of the same name along the coast road from Porto Badisco to Punta Palascia, just south of Otranto on the south-eastern side of Salento. The Grotta Sant Emiliano cave, which is not very large, develops inside a rocky spur where the Sant Emiliano Tower stands as a sentinel. From the top of this promontory, a gentle, relaxing breeze blows and, above all, you can enjoy a respectable panorama where, in addition to the green of the Mediterranean maquis and the scents of the surrounding nature, the blue of the mighty Adriatic Sea colours the entire area. The Grotta di Sant Emiliano is the result of erosion by the sea combined with geological settlement, which has shaped some very interesting stretches of coastline in this area. It is certainly a bit risky to reach the Grotta di Sant Emiliano from the mainland, but you can easily admire and photograph it from the sea, renting a light boat and taking advantage of this to explore this beautiful stretch of coastline that offers interesting insights into the seabed, so rich in life, and also simply relaxing in the sun for a perfect tan. Healthy glimpses of the Salento coastline and happy holidays from the Grotta di Sant Emiliano.

Last update: 07/01/2023, Tonio Viva

Foto Grotta di Sant Emiliano

Porto Badisco - Otranto