Baia delle Orte - Otranto

Baia delle Orte - Otranto

Baia delle Orte is a marina in the municipality of Otranto and is located between Otranto and Punta Palascia. Baia delle Orte is characterised by high cliffs and hidden inlets and also includes several caves including the Grotta delle Orte itself

7 Beaches of Baia delle Orte - Otranto

Salento beaches
Laghetto di Bauxite

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: Far from the big summer crowds, where nature takes its regular course, creating unique spectacles that colour the entire surrounding landscape, we find the Baia delle Orte. We are on the outskirts of Otranto, a town that certainly needs no introduction, and the Baia delle Orte represents the wildest side of this magical land called Salento, as this evocative bay develops along a stretch of coastline characterised by low cliffs that mixes with the spontaneous and discontinuous green of the Mediterranean maquis among pine forests that are always handy in summer for shelter from the sun and a crystal-clear sea that is the icing on the cake of the Baia delle Orte. Well, should you happen to be in the area, a visit to the Baia delle Orte"s Bauxite Pond is not to be missed. An explosion of colours ready to welcome anyone into the pond"s green waters, which, let"s not forget, cannot be bathed in, contrasting with the red of the bauxite rock that surrounds the entire circumference of this very special pond. The Bauxite Pond is easily reached by a short walk after parking your car in the designated parking area, after which you will be surprised by the bright colours that contrast with each other in this supreme spectacle of nature. This now disused former mining site is now an attractive tourist destination and every year thousands of visitors are fascinated by so much spectacle as this quarry from its total state of abandonment has rediscovered its primary roots with nature, thus merging with the surrounding area in an explosion of natural colours. Wonders and charm of an enchanting land... welcome to Salento... from the Laghetto di Bauxite is everything.

Salento beaches
Cala Casotto

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: Cala Casotto is located in the municipality of Otranto in Baia delle Orte, in the province of Lecce. Not far from the Laghetto di Bauxite (Bauxite Pond) we find this characteristic cove surrounded by rocks that often change hue and range from limestone white to opaque black. All around is a riot of colours, from the green of the typical Mediterranean scrub to the blue of a fantastic sea and interrupted stretches of pine forest; this stretch of coastline conveys to the traveller all the wild and solitary aspect that characterises Cala Casotto. This corner of paradise is light years away from all the summer hustle and bustle of crowded beaches with loud music and a sea full of people. If you like the hustle and bustle and the comforts of a fully equipped lido, you can avoid visiting Cala Casotto. At Cala Casotto the hands of the clock have stopped in a time now lost where nature has taken over from man, modelling one of the most enchanting places the Salento has to offer to his liking. Now honeyed lines aside, which may certainly seem biased, this place must be experienced in all its complexity to fully savour the sensations it manages to convey. Don"t forget your rock shoes, after which, once you get to the little cove, all you have to do is find an inviting spot to spread your towel and enjoy a perfect tan; the sea becomes deep after just a few strokes and is very suitable for snorkelling so that you can discover these suggestive and luminous seabeds. Vibrant sensations and summer pleasure for our bodies Happy holidays from Cala Casotto.

Salento beaches
Baia dell Orte

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: The verse of a song in Salento dialect often resonates with me as a tune when I talk to someone about my beautiful land and it goes like this: (Cinca lu vide nde lassa lu core cinca lu lassa se sonna lu mare) which translated would be whoever sees it leaves his heart there and whoever leaves it dreams of the sea, obviously speaking of Salento. Well, these verses come back to me in a split second now that I am about to write something about a remote and solitary place like Baia delle Orte can be. We are on the south-eastern side of the Heel of Italy, along these beautiful coastlines washed by the Adriatic Sea, intertwined with the green of the surrounding nature, among the uninterrupted pine forests that always come in handy in the height of summer for shady areas, the typical Mediterranean scrub that grows spontaneously almost everywhere, almost as if to mark its belonging to its territory, and dulcis in fundo the crystal blue of these waters that touch each one of us in the depths of our souls; here is precisely explained in all its essence the prologue with reference to the verses of that song. Baia delle Orte is located just 4 kilometres from the more famous Otranto, and to reach it you have to walk along some dirt tracks, among dry stone walls, and paths that seem designed for those who love trekking and nature walks. Once there, the contrast of colours between the white, low cliffs and the transparent blue of a marvellous sea will be evident, making some spots look like real natural open-air swimming pools. Baia delle Orte"s characteristic of being reached in a way that is not exactly convenient and fast represents its absolute strength, as it has been preserved in this way from the uncontrolled human development of doing business and speculating on every single square metre of sea. Here you will feel rewarded by nature, tiptoeing and respectful of the place you are in, fully enjoying every single corner and the unique freshness of these waters that regenerate body and spirit. Glimpses of a wild and unknown Salento that I hope will retain its delicious character over time... have a good summer at Baia delle Orte.

Salento beaches
Spiaggia di Porto Grande

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: The Porto Grande beach is located in Baia delle Orte, a beautiful spot on the outskirts of Otranto, south of Punta Facì, and is a place of rare beauty that is not very well known and isolated compared to other Salento beaches that are usually overcrowded in high season. Of course, contrary to its name, there is no beach here; on the contrary, low cliffs characterise much of the surrounding area, drawing a landscape of rare beauty engulfed in unspoilt nature. The sea of the Porto Grande Beach is the real wonder, the undisputed protagonist of this stretch of coastline. The crystal-clear blue waters of the Adriatic offer interesting insights through the rich seabed that is ideal for snorkelling and discovering the beautiful play of light among the most evocative views of this wide reef. The Porto Grande beach can be reached by following an unpaved road for about fifteen minutes; it is possible to park your car in the designated area at a parking fee of 3 euro for the entire day, so that after a relaxing walk along characteristic paths surrounded by the green Mediterranean scrub, this contagious blue of a splendid sea opens up before your eyes. This place has maintained its charm over time (as has the whole of the Baia delle Orte area) thanks to the fact that it is little known and practicable. Here one immediately feels that sense of detachment from everyday life as we are used to experiencing it, the wild aspect of this area is what most attracts the solitary traveller when he or she decides to visit this remote place. So, to summarise, forget the Porto Grande beach if you are used to comfort and prefer the soft, golden sand, here you only need rock shoes, mask and flippers, and a cooler bag full of cold drinks to alleviate the summer heat... have a good summer in the Baia delle Orte.

Salento beaches
Grotte dell Orte

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: The Grotta dell"Orte is a beautiful sea cave located in the Masseria dell"Orte area south of Otranto, at Baia delle Orte. We are on the south-eastern side of the Salento coast, along a stretch of sea that immediately stands out for its wonderful transparency. This area is characterised by a wide reef that sketches a landscape of rare beauty. The Grotta dell"Orte is one of the many sea cavities along this coastline and can be reached by swimming, or it can be admired in all its complexity by renting a small boat in order to explore the entire stretch of coastline in question, which certainly deserves to be visited in depth. The sea soon becomes deep and the beauty of the seabed offers just the right reasons to put on a mask and explore the most interesting spots. Alternatively, a healthy, regenerating swim will do, after which it is easy to find an inviting spot to spread out your towel and let the warm Salento sun dry you out. The beautiful view of the cliffs covered in the green of the Mediterranean maquis is unparalleled in terms of landscape, here it is a riot of bright colours ranging from the yellow to the limestone white of the surrounding rock to the blue of these cool waters. The Salento remains a magical land that knows how to give huge emotions to those who decide to visit enchanting places like the Grotta dell"Orte... happy holidays.

Salento beaches
Grotta Palombara

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: Grotta Palombara is located south of Otranto near the Masseria dell"Orte on the eastern side of the Salento coast and is washed by the Adriatic Sea. This impressive cave was formed when the limestone walls along this stretch of coastline collapsed, creating an extraordinary example of a sea cave. Grotta Palombara can also be reached from the mainland, but the best way to admire such beauty is certainly access from the sea, where the water is still quite deep and through mask and flippers you can also contemplate a wonderful seabed rich in life. The entire surrounding area is covered by typical Mediterranean scrub and not far from Grotta Palombara we find a pine forest that is always convenient for the large areas of shade that always come in handy in the height of summer. The place is not very crowded and you can breathe an air of absolute relaxation, the cliffs maintain a practicable aspect and access to the sea is easy in some places; the sea has that crystal-clear and transparent characteristic that distinguishes the entire coastal area, so once you have chosen the spot where you can lay down your towel, take advantage of it for a regenerating swim and enjoy your day at the sea. Glimpses of a Salento to be experienced and vibrant emotions at Grotta Palombara... happy holidays.

Torre dell Orte

Salento, Baia delle Orte - Otranto: The Orte Tower is a coastal tower in the Salento region and is part of the complex defence and watchtower system erected during the 16th century to defend the Salento coastline from the constant incursions of Saracen pirates that raged the coastline in those years. Unlike the other towers in this area, which are spherical in shape and classified as the "Otranto series", the Orte Tower has a truncated pyramid shape with a curb delimiting its end; the tower communicated to the north with the Torre del Serpe and to the south with Torre Palascia, which has now practically disappeared. The Orte Tower stands on a high promontory about 100 metres from the sea and from here one can enjoy a wonderful panorama as well as breathe in clean air being completely immersed in the surrounding nature. In 1826, this coastal tower was incorporated into the Masseria dell"Orte where it served as a warehouse; today the ruin is on private property and is being restored. The Orte Tower dominates the whole of the picturesque bay from its high position and the historical testimony combined with the surrounding landscape produces a respectable view. So, if you decide to visit Otranto, don"t forget to visit the Orte Tower... have a good summer.