Spiaggia di Pescoluse

Pescoluse - Salve

Pescoluse Beach is located on the stretch of coastline called Basso Salento and is probably among the most beautiful and evocative beaches in Salento. Its velvety, soft sand mixed with Mediterranean vegetation and its shallow, crystal-clear sea with a hue of colour that changes according to the different times of day make this stretch of coastline a jewel of the area, a corner of paradise that has nothing to envy from the golden expanses of the Caribbean. Protecting the beach stand tall and luxuriant with vegetation the striking sand dunes, a peculiar feature of the entire Ionian coast, sentinels and absolute beauties of this extraordinary landscape that nature has so meticulously designed. Pescoluse Beach is an absolute pearl among the various Salento beaches if you are passing through these parts, stop by, perhaps just to admire the colourful and evocative sunset with its different shades of red, yellow and orange, or simply for a selfie to document the enchanting memory of these places.

Last update: 15/03/2023, Tonio Viva

Foto Spiaggia di Pescoluse

Pescoluse - Salve

Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Pescoluse -  Pescoluse - Salve, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Pescoluse -  Pescoluse - Salve, spiagge del Salento