Zeus Beach


Zeus Beach is a bathing establishment located on the coast road connecting Gallipoli to Santa Maria di Leuca, in the Baia Verde area. Situated on a stretch of coastline characterised by golden sand and crystal-clear blue sea, Zeus Beach is a lido equipped down to the smallest detail. At the Zeus Beach beach, detail makes the difference. In addition to the classic beach umbrellas and sunbeds, the Zeus Beach offers the exclusive Privèe on the sea, i.e., inflatable sofas suitable for accommodating in comfort a couple in search of relaxation. For long stretches, the sea is quite shallow, so let your children play in peace and quiet, taking advantage of the Babycampus service offered by the lido. The restaurant offers various dishes to be enjoyed from the comfort of your beach umbrella and the staff will provide an online service for ordering directly from your sunbed without the need to move. Zeus Beach is also equipped as a shuttle service, so forget the car and reach your favourite beach in peace... Zeus Beach!

Last update: 31/08/2022, Tonio Viva

+39 347.461.7035

Foto Zeus Beach


Salentissimo.it: Zeus Beach -  Gallipoli, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Zeus Beach -  Gallipoli, spiagge del Salento