Faro di Punta Cràulo


How many stories are known and told around a lighthouse, one of the many fishermen"s compasses that as a key landmark warns boats that you are nearing port. Well, yes, modern and contemporary literature is wasted about this coastal instrument, and so are the legends and tales of older fishermen, increasing that desire for curiosity that revolves around the lighthouse. Not to be outdone is Otranto with its historical and scenic beauty, which like all towns along the coast has in its lighthouse the point of convergence so that one can safely land on dry land. This is the Punta Craulo Lighthouse, also known as the White Lighthouse, which rises at a beautiful inlet surrounded both by low cliffs on one side and by free, private beaches on another. At this characteristic stretch of coastline, it is possible to choose a spot where you can lay down your towel and take advantage of the enchanting and relaxing spot that turns out to be the Punta Craulo Lighthouse. The sea becomes deep after a few strokes and the water maintains that blue and transparent color so that in some places it looks like real natural open-air pools. The place turns out to be all in all quiet even in the middle of summer, here you can breathe an air of absolute relaxation and while sunbathing you can admire from afar all the beauty of Otranto in its complexity. The Punta Craulo Lighthouse is frequented by both families with children and different tourists, the point turns out to be convenient in that one can choose whether to prefer the beach or the cliff and in this way satisfy different needs. To highlight is the masonry walkway with beautiful round arches that lead directly to the lighthouse and from which you can see a breathtaking view; these are just some of the beauties that this fantastic town offers, the peculiarities of Otranto are not disputed and every year they attract thousands of tourists from all over the world to admire not only the sea and the coasts but also the timeless charm of a shimmering pearl that is Otranto... have a good summer.

Last Updated: 15/01/2023, Tonio Viva

Foto Faro di Punta Cràulo


Salentissimo.it: Faro di Punta Cràulo -  Otranto, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Faro di Punta Cràulo -  Otranto, spiagge del Salento