Santa Caterina - Nardo

Santa Caterina - Nardo

Santa Caterina belongs to the marina of Nardò in the province of Lecce in Salento. It faces the Ionian Sea and is surrounded to the north by Porto Selvaggio and to the south by the town of Santa Maria al Bagno. Its coastline features low cliffs that are easy for tourists to walk on and some stretches of sandy beach.

10 Beaches of Santa Caterina - Nardo

Salento beaches
Spiaggia della Rotonda Il Chiapparo

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: The Spiaggia della Rotonda Il Chiapparo is a stretch of reef on the Ionian Sea in Santa Caterina, a hamlet in the municipality of Nardò, a few kilometres from both Porto Cesareo and Gallipoli. This stretch of coastline is actually an unguarded reef like much of the Santa Caterina area consisting mainly of hilly areas and a coastline formed by wide cliffs that descend directly into the sea, only in some places are there sandy spots. The Spiaggia della Rotonda (Rotunda Beach) stretches along a small inlet between rocks and small caves that lead directly into the sea. During the summer season, this beautiful bay is taken by storm by children who challenge each other to dive from different points on the cliffs, so you can easily choose your favourite rock where you can lay out your towel and take a dip in this wonderful sea from time to time. The cool, transparent water is a crystal-clear blue with different hues that change according to the time of day, and the seabed is ideal for snorkelling or even for a simple swim; letting yourself be massaged by the beauty of these waters is a real cure-all for the body. From this point on the coast, there are also several trails for running and trekking lovers amidst the unspoilt nature, through the typical Mediterranean vegetation with the characteristic Aleppo pines a predominant feature in the Santa Caterina area. It is a little difficult to find parking in the middle of summer, but otherwise we are not very far from the centre, so it will not be difficult to find a bar or supermarket to refresh yourself. The bay is quite popular with local families precisely because of its convenience, as it is easily reached from the nearby houses, but it is still a respectable place. A must-visit!

Salento beaches
Lido Beija-Flor

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: The Lido Beija Flor is located in Santa Caterina, a hamlet in the municipality of Nardò on the beautiful Ionian Sea. The bathing establishment presents itself as a structure built entirely of wood, to protect and safeguard the marvellous place, and is located on a stretch of coastline characterised by a wide cliff and the blue, transparent sea. The water immediately becomes high, a typical characteristic of Salento cliffs, so an eye for children, the seabed is ideal for snorkelling or diving. The Lido Beija Flor is equipped with everything to make your holiday stress free, as a flashy sign at the entrance states; the restaurant offers rich salads to be enjoyed comfortably stretched out in front of this fabulous sea, and staying in the evening sipping a drink and admiring the evocative sunset will fully repay your holiday. It is a little tricky to find parking in the middle of summer, but otherwise the Beija Flor is a beach worthy of note - summer is at home here. Be welcome!

Salento beaches
Santa Caterina Beach

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: Santa Caterina Beach is a bathing establishment located in Santa Caterina, a hamlet of Nardò just a few kilometres from both Porto Cesareo and Gallipoli. The lido is located in the centre of town and is one of the rare stretches of coast where there is a beach, as this area is mainly known for its inlets consisting of large cliffs and small caves overlooking the sea. The beach stretches along a small bay with sand that is sometimes soft and sometimes a little rough with the presence of small sea pebbles. The sea is clean and transparent only the presence of small rocks stands out, for the rest the water maintains a very low height so let your children play in peace. The Santa Caterina Beach is a historic lido, equipped with everything you need to make your holiday satisfying from all points of view: beach umbrellas, deckchairs and sunbeds will guarantee your relaxation by the sea and the bar will delight you with tasty drinks to sip while you take a pleasant tan. Summer is just around the corner - what are you waiting for? Santa Caterina Beach.

Salento beaches
I Salotti

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: In Santa Caterina there is an enchanted place unknown to tourists but jealously guarded by locals and Neretini (inhabitants of Nardò). It is a slice of cliff overlooking the sea at Santa Caterina that can easily be seen as you take the long walk towards Santa Maria al Bagno. It is said that at the beginning of the 20th century, a fairly rich lady had this stretch of cliff modelled, creating stairways that alternate with lounges. This is what is rumoured by the locals, everything is to be verified and in any case it is nice to leave this thin thread of mystery enveloping the cliff. You can dive from various heights, the water is high and beautiful all the time. Finding parking is a little difficult, especially in high season.

Salento beaches
Il Porticciolo

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: Il Porticciolo is located in Santa Caterina, a small hamlet in the municipality of Nardò in the province of Lecce, and during the summer it is filled with tourists and holidaymakers who flock to this marina in search of a corner of the coast to cool off from the summer heat. The Porticciolo was initially created as a landing place for small boats, and over time the place has given its name to this small stretch of beach located in the centre of this beautiful town called Santa Caterina. This place sees the alternation of this small stretch of beach, which is not exactly soft and deep, with the prevailing and predominant reef in this stretch of coastline; from a small cement staircase located to the side of the nearby ice-cream parlour, one can directly access the water. The seabed always maintains that clear and transparent appearance, but as it is in fact home to a dock I would not go as far as to describe the quality of the water; the rocks and stones scattered all over the place represent that typical characteristic of this place; in fact this stretch of coastline is very busy in high summer and popping in would not be a bad idea.

Salento beaches
Circolo Nautico La Vela

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: Circolo Nautico La Vela is a small lido located in Santa Caterina, a marina in the municipality of Nardò, and is set up on a small wooden platform with the classic sunbeds and umbrellas in tow. The stretch of coastline in question is characterised by wide cliffs like much of the surrounding area, and the sea, which constantly maintains that crystal-clear blue colour, soon becomes deep, so the place is ideal for those who love diving but also for a healthy swim. This is a lido for members of the nautical club only, so access is reserved only for members of the club.

Salento beaches

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: The Frescura is a bathing establishment located on the wonderful Ionian Sea and precisely in Santa Caterina, a hamlet in the municipality of Nardò in the province of Lecce. The lido stands on a stretch of coastline characteristic for its picturesque cliffs and the structure is built on a wooden platform, with classic beach umbrellas and sunbeds and access to the sea facilitated by convenient steps leading directly into the water. The sea immediately becomes deep and the seabed is ideal for snorkelling but also for a simple swim in the azure waters of this beautiful stretch of coastline. The Frescura is equipped with all the comforts to make your holiday as relaxing as possible, from the restaurant service to the bar to enjoy your favourite drink in front of a dreamlike sunset. What are you waiting for... summer is coming... Frescura!

Salento beaches
Torre Santa Caterina

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: In Santa Caterina, a marina in the municipality of Nardò in the province of Lecce, stands the Santa Caterina Tower of the same name; surrounded by a thick pine forest, this tower was built during the 16th century to face the raids of the Saracen pirates who raged the coasts of Salento in those years. Torre Santa Caterina communicated to the south with Torre del Fiume di Galatena and to the north with Torre dell"Alto; today the tower is privately owned and dominates the entire harbour of the beautiful bay from the top of its promontory. Quadrangular in shape like most of the coastal towers on the Ionian side, the Santa Caterina Tower is in excellent condition and has been restored in recent years for the part concerning the central staircase. The whole atmosphere around this important historical testimony evokes memories far away in time, an air of absolute relaxation in close contact with unspoilt nature is pleasant and generates pleasant sensations for the spirit in everyone, many greetings from the Santa Caterina Tower.

Punta dell Aspide

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: Punta dell"Aspide is a promontory along the Ionian coast of Salento in the municipality of Nardò, in the province of Lecce. We are in Santa Caterina, a small marina that fills up with tourists and holidaymakers looking for a quiet corner where they can enjoy a well-deserved day at the beach. Not far from the coast and a little further inland from the city centre, this evocative and solitary area is characterised by the greenery of the typical Mediterranean scrub that grows almost everywhere, almost marking the entire surrounding area, where Aleppo pines embrace part of the native vegetation. From the top of Punta dell"Aspide there is a marvellous panorama, and admiring the entire harbour below you can feel that sense of detachment and pleasure that enhances and stimulates that right relaxation, which is especially noticeable in the height of summer when much of the entire Ionian coast is taken by storm by cars, congesting normal traffic. The entire area comprising the hinterland of Santa Caterina is still little known; for lovers of trekking and nature trails, the Punta dell"Aspide offers interesting hints worthy of being beaten and explored; in close contact with uncontaminated nature and far from the sound of car horns, your mood can only benefit from a relaxing regenerating walk. A lively tip not to be underestimated could be to stop and contemplate a colourful sunset while watching the sun gently disappearing over the horizon; have a good summer at Santa Caterina.

La Stanza dei Bagni di Santa Caterina

Salento, Santa Caterina - Nardo: The Salento is a region rich in tourist resources and enchanting landscapes. Crossing this territory far and wide in search of the most remote corners and hidden inlets while breathing deeply the salty smell coming from a marvellous crystal-clear sea fully repays the decision to spend part of our holiday in this beautiful peninsula of Italy. Among the many features that the Salento coastline preserves, the Stanza dei Bagni di Santa Caterina could not be missing; we are on the Ionic side of Apulia, in a tourist resort, Santa Caterina to be precise, part of the municipality of Nardò in the province of Lecce. The Stanza dei Bagni represents perhaps the most intimate and reserved aspect, in the face of changing times, of how once upon a time certain ladies of high society preferred to bathe in the limpid waters of Santa Caterina protected from prying eyes and far from the confusion of the populace. These rooms therefore represent what remains of this ancient practice, an environment, certainly not built by Mother Nature, cosy and isolated, bathed by the sparkling waters and particularly cool due to the presence of some freshwater currents. Experiencing this experience up close takes us back in time; also worthy of note are the fascinating plays of light that are reproduced both through the windows in this atypical room and by the reflections of the waters themselves in an explosion of fascinating colours. Beauties of a timeless land, welcome to Salento and many greetings from Santa Caterina.