Spiaggia di Torre Colimena

Torre Colimena - Manduria

In this part of Salento, where the different dialects mingle, where the different histories of a land rich in traditions intersect, where that invisible border between the provinces of Taranto and Lecce is barely noticeable, lies Torre Colimena Beach, a true corner of paradise. Immersed in a fascinating landscape made up of long stretches of soft, golden sand, with sand dunes mingling with the typical Mediterranean scrub and a sea that presents different shades of colours ranging from azure to green and deep blue, this stretch of coastline represents an unspoilt oasis still untouched by the mass tourism that pours onto the Salento coast every summer. I have serious difficulties in sponsoring these places precisely because with the passage of time the Torre Colimena beach has maintained all that characteristic aspect of a wild and solitary nature unaccustomed to the multitude of people and therefore light years away from crowded and noisy beaches. The Torre Colimena beach is right next to this characteristic village and is easily reached by a small bridge that leads from the road directly to the beach. Pink flamingos come here every year for a short stop, and the total absence of bathing establishments combined with the difficulty of reaching the most secluded corners of the beach, as one has to walk for long stretches before discovering the most evocative views, make Torre Colimena Beach an enchanting and secluded place. I don"t recommend it at all to large families with bundles of bundles and children in tow, certainly more accustomed to the comforts of a well-equipped beach lido rather than getting lost on useless safaris; Torre Colimena Beach is devoid of any services, you will find yourself swallowed up in another dimension, take only your beach towel with you, and a word of advice: turn off your mobile phones, it"s just you and nature. These places deserve all our attention and due respect, they are delicate ecosystems, so take your rubbish bags back with you at the end of the day. Corners of an Apulia of bygone days and scents of summer in Torre Colimena!

Last update: 21/11/2022, Tonio Viva

Foto Spiaggia di Torre Colimena

Torre Colimena - Manduria

Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento
Salentissimo.it: Spiaggia di Torre Colimena -  Torre Colimena - Manduria, spiagge del Salento